Community event: “Green Trees – Clean Water”
Posted Date: Thursday, October 24, 2013
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WARECOD’s project entitled “Promoting adaptive strategies to water resource managementdue tochanges in climate and environment in the Gam river basin” (sponsored by Rosa) at Bao Lam district, Cao Bang Province has come to an end after one year of operation at Pac Pha and Che Pen hamlets.
During the last field trip, beside research activities and some additional filming, the research group collaborated with Bao Lam’s People Committee to hold a community event for over 300 local participants in a small mountainous region. The theme of the event was “Green Trees – Clean Water”.In preparation for this event, members of the project were nervous and eager even though this is not the first time they have held a similar event.
Our project team received great support coordination from local authorities, especially from Mr. La Hong Quang, Deputy Head of the Local Natural Resources and Environment Department, who has worked closely with the project’s members and the two research groups since the beginning of the project. He alsomade a substantial contribution to this event. In particular, he helped us with the necessary equipment for the event, such as providing three more light bulbs for the event to happen at night in the central communal house while we initially just got one.
There was active participation throughtout the event from the local people. Mrs. Lien, a local resident, said she was so excited for the event that she even skipped her dinner to join. “Why don’t you notify us of this event publicly so that everybody knows?”suggested Mrs. Lien.

Che Pen and Pac Pha, two teams of the competition in the event, taking photos together.
The clear and friendly message “Planting trees to protect our life, our environment, and our water” conveyed by Mrs. NongThiGiang, a member of ChePhen’s research group,was a large contributor to the success of this event. “Joining this project helped me build up my confidence, especially in terms of public speaking and I was alble to get an insight into climate change, and understand thatsmall actions can make a big difference to our environment”, shared Mrs. Giang.
The surprising success of this event wasencouraging for the project’s members and the local research groups to continue to work on their efforts in the future.
Reported by Kim Oanh
Translated by Hoang Thi Kieu Anh & Aalia Adatia